Meet Nicole

Nicole Berenger M.COUN, LCPC

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC-8203) with over 10 years of experience in various roles within the behavioral health and social services fields. My work has revolved around individual and collective wellness, social justice, and challenging stigmas surrounding mental health.

I received my Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Psychology with an emphasis in Family Studies at Boise State University, and my Master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.COUN) at Idaho State University. 

I work with children, adolescents, and adults navigating a variety of experiences, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, mood disorders, life transitions, and grief and loss. 

My office is located in the Boise Bench neighborhood at
4346 Rose Hill St. Suite C Boise, Idaho 83705
between Orchard St. and Roosevelt St. 

Commonly Asked Questions

It is natural to have questions about what to expect in therapy, especially if this is your first time seeking counseling.

Here are a few common questions:

What is a typical session like?

Therapy sessions are typically 45-60 minutes and held weekly to start. Based on your preferences, needs, and scheduling, sessions may vary in frequency to occur twice weekly, weekly, every other week, or as needed. If you are using insurance, the length and frequency of sessions may be dictated by what your insurance will cover. 

If you opt for telehealth services, I will either call you at our session start time if you've identified phone calls as your preferred contact, or you will log in to the telehealth platform.

In the initial sessions, I will often direct sessions to help you identify current experiences and symptoms, the impact these have on you, and will collaborate with you on goals for treatment. I offer a few different modalities and approaches, and will work with you to identify the kind of therapeutic approach you feel most comfortable with. I value the use of humor and authenticity in sessions, and believe that healing doesn't have to happen in sterile environments. Regardless of approach, my main goal in each session is to provide an environment where you can be un-apologetically you.

What if I'm not sure what I need help with?

It can be difficult to pinpoint a specific problem when our world feels so tangled. Sometimes, it is easier for us to acknowledge that something just doesn't feel right. I believe this alone is a valid reason for seeking support. In our work together, we will untangle your experience to identify those factors contributing to your distress, and to clarify what may be needed to resolve those issues. Whether you are coming to me with a specific issue or with curiosity about how counseling could help, I am happy to support you in whatever you bring with you. 

What theories do you base your approaches on, and why is that important to know?

The theoretical orientation of a therapist provides the foundation for their work, and often informs the way that therapist conceptualizes the client and carries out treatment. As a foundation for my work, I draw heavily from humanistic approaches to treatment that focus on the client-therapist relationship, bringing the client to the present moment, clarifying and strengthening meaningful experiences, and providing opportunities for self-actualization and growth. More specifically, I work through the lens of Person-Centered Theory and Gestalt Theory. While these are my foundational theories, I am also comfortable integrating aspects of other theoretical approaches as needed, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, and Parts Work. 

What if I don't like your approach?

I acknowledge my approach may not be for everyone. While I believe I can be flexible in my approach based on client feedback, I understand that there are many factors that play into the therapeutic relationship. If at any point in our work you identify that I am not the right fit for you, I will join with you in exploring the therapeutic barriers, your preferences for treatment, and will be happy to help provide referrals for providers or services that may be a better fit for you.

Will my information be kept confidential?

Typically, what you say in sessions with me stays in sessions with me. I work very hard to create a safe and trusting space for you to feel comfortable speaking your truth. However, there are some limits to confidentiality that are important to be aware of. I am legally and ethically required to break confidentiality to report any disclosure or suspicions of clear and immediate harm to yourself or others, of abuse or neglect of a child, and abuse or neglect of a vulnerable/elderly adult.

It is also worth noting that insurance will often require the release of your information in order to reimburse for services. If you have any concerns about this, please let me know.

Further, Idaho law states that information relating to any client who is 14 years or older may not be released without the minor's written consent. While I do prioritize the confidentiality of children and adolescents, I will still follow the limits to confidentiality described above, and parents or guardians can trust that any safety concerns indicating clear, immediate, and foreseeable harm (including suicidal or homicidal intentions or abuse that are disclosed by their child in session) will be reported to the appropriate entities. Again, I am happy to discuss any concerns or questions about this aspect of treatment.

Still have questions? Contact me!